Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Free writers Michael Pack Full Length at Dailymotion
Creator: Just Kat
Bio: Christian, Pro Trump, Build the wall, Pro life, Liberal professors/colleges brainwash children, No person ever changed gender except on paper; surgery=cosmetic.
country: USA
year: 2020
Genre: Documentary
star: Joe Biden
Average Rating: 8,1 / 10 star
1H 56 Minute
Wow, I've never heard this sounds like what Kavanaugh went through. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free version. Die Megan. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free movie. Wait i thought in the US supreme court judges are suppose to be BI-Partisan? what a Joke that is. the two party system is dysfunctional and doesn't work. People care more about whats best for their party rather then whats best for the country. smh.
Long dong silver. ASSASSIN FOR THE LORD. GLORY. Ole Slo-Joe should've been the one being all of his then there was Fat Ted, the Coward-Killer of then Anita Hill who paved the road for Blasey Ford to put on her act! We never learn. Great man. I would pay to see a Drama on Bill Clinton's sexual assault though.Disappointed at Megyn didn't grill the director enough. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free play. It's almost like you could put Brett Kavanaugh in the seat of Clarence Thomas and nobody could tell the difference.
President George Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court to replace Thurgood Marshall, who had retired but those racist whites on Capitol Hill didn't want another black judge replacing a black judge. so they concocted a despicable lie about Clarence Thomas. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free game. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free software.
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Something very familiar about this. Scumbag Clarence gotta way clean.
I still can't see how any Judge could sit on any board with RBG Stinking up the place.
Now he feels bold enough to talk as if his past remarks weren't had enough. #predatot. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free full. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free web site. Clarence Thomas quietly occupies a unique place in American life. Anyone who ascends to the nation’s highest court is, by definition, special, but that undersells Thomas. He’s been at the center of the culture war and the debate over the soul of the Constitution—not exactly two minor issues. If that weren’t enough, Thomas’s life growing up black in Georgia gives him the quintessential American success story, even as he has been vilified by the American elite. And in a period characterized by reevaluating racism and its legacy, Thomas has been uniquely targeted with racist smears. Prominent public figures—and not just anonymous internet trolls—have attacked Thomas on racial grounds. It’s material suited for an inspiring Hollywood movie centering on the black experience in America, akin to recent releases Just Mercy and Harriet. But that’s unthinkable to the elites who have so reviled Thomas for the entirety of his public life. Thankfully, we now have a definitive documentary covering Thomas’s life in director Michael Pack’s Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. Drawing from more than 30 hours of interview footage, Created Equal knocks down myths about Thomas one after another: that he is an intellectual lightweight, that he doesn’t express his views, that his hardscrabble origins are a narrative contrivance, and more. David Rutz breaks down the most important news about the enemies of freedom, here and around the world, in this comprehensive morning newsletter. Sign up here and stay informed! The idea that Thomas has no jurisprudential "content" is a persistent one. Racist cartoons showed him as a servant at the feet of the late Antonin Scalia, a fellow originalist, but that picture ignores the reams of opinions Thomas has authored. He’s a prolific opinion-writer who’s somehow painted as a slouch copying others’ work. The lazy black man is hardly a new idea in the annals of smear campaigns, but Thomas has been the target of something much more bizarre: the charge that his upbringing was contrived to get him confirmed. Few could see the pictures of his shack in Pin Point, Ga., and the slums in Savannah, then hear him describe the wonder of seeing his grandparents’ home with a functioning bathroom and modern appliances, without being moved. His grandfather Myers Anderson worked him and his brother silly in the city and on the farm, and the lessons learned are fresh in his mind—not just because he looms over his office in the form of a stoic bust. In light of his experience at the bottom rung of society, it’s striking how much of the elite opinion about Thomas uses directly racist language and imagery. A former Jimmy Carter aide writing in Playboy called him the heir of the "chicken eating preachers" who kowtowed to segregationists, while numerous racist cartoons caricatured him as a slave or even a Klansman. His critics in elite media, such as Jeffrey Toobin, argue he’s the product of affirmative action, a charge of such transparent prejudice that it’s inconceivable it could be made about Thomas were he a judicial liberal. The way Created Equal blows these images apart is simply by showing Thomas’s actual journey, as a man and as a jurist. That journey took him from seminary to the ranks of black radicals, then through law school before he reluctantly joined a Republican attorney general and had a "road to Damascus moment" about his leftist assumptions about the justice system. Later he joined the Reagan administration and eventually became a federal judge, all while building a philosophy on the Constitution and politics according to Christian principles and natural law. With all due respect to Brett Kavanaugh, Thomas’s hearings were the original Supreme Court circus. He took abuse from NOW, the NAACP, and other liberal activist groups bent on borking him. None of their tactics seemed to do critical damage—but not for want of passion. Joe Biden provides the movie an amusing interlude, rambling about natural law in an attempt to brand Thomas as an extremist on abortion. (That draws the most acerbic line Thomas has in Created Equal: "One of the things you do in hearings is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking about. ") But we all know where this goes. Enter Anita Hill, who testified that Thomas had sexually harassed her. Senate Democrats’ ponderous nonstrategy gave way to a proxy war using Hill that would change Thomas’s life forever. Created Equal ’s footage of the hearings is mercifully selective, with highlights most viewers will remember but wish they’d forgotten, including pubic hair on soda cans and a gentleman known as "Long Dong Silver. " Viewers believed Thomas’s side of the story by about 2-1, and he was eventually confirmed. But that sordid affair is still the defining image most Americans have of a man who’s lived one of the most extraordinary lives in living memory. Therein lies the documentary’s greatest strength: Created Equal provides such direct access that it shatters the picture of Thomas as some kind of "enigma. " It’s also a much more compelling story than the tawdry show the left subjected us to in 1991. In a way, it’s unfortunate that the movie even has to deal with the hearings when his upbringing in Georgia, his journey to God, and his dramatic philosophical transformation could each supply two hours of fascinating interview footage on their own. But that’s not the movie we get because that’s not the life Thomas got. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words premiered in 23 theaters across the United States Friday. The full list of screenings can be accessed here. Paul Crookston is the deputy war room director at the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams. His Twitter handle is @P_Crookston. He can be reached at.
Wow. well said Mr. Thomas. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free mobile. God did not set up did not set up religions. All human constructs. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free download. WOW, well articulated and 100% accurate. He won his “case” at that moment. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free print.
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Clarence Thomas was thrown under bus by the diabolical establishment. Life can be tough, the ones who pull through and get an education with a goal in life, stay focused and away from thinks that can lead them in the wrong direction will be successful, Supreme Court Justine Clarence Thomas is a good example, he should be an example and mentor to many young men, character is everything. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free. Go Big Red. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words freelance. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free online. Si alguna sinopsis cuenta demasiados detalles del argumento -o para corregir errores o completar datos de la ficha o fecha de estreno- puedes mandarnos un mensaje. Si no estás registrad@ puedes contactarnos vía Twitter, FB o por email a info -arroba- filmaffinity -punto- com. Los derechos de propiedad intelectual de las críticas corresponden a los correspondientes críticos y/o medios de comunicación de los que han sido extraídos. Filmaffinity no tiene relación alguna con el productor, productora o el director de la película. El copyright del poster, carátula, fotogramas, fotografías e imágenes de cada DVD, VOD, Blu-ray, tráiler y banda sonora original (BSO) pertenecen a las correspondientes productoras y/o distribuidoras.
Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free song. Pulling the Race card. is the ignorant indivuals way to lose an arguement. All the adults in the room recognize the sound of ignorance. it sounds like 're a Racist. Its as if 't accomplished a thing. God Rest His Soul. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words free web. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free pdf. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free worksheets. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free images. This post tracks developments in “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, ” a new documentary about the Supreme Court Justice and the toxic confirmation he was forced to endure. Links: Homepage | IMDB | 11-28-19 | Thomas compares ‘modern-day liberal’ to Klansman in new film Per the New York Post, “‘I felt as though in my life I had been looking at the wrong people as the people who would be problematic toward me, ’ Thomas says in the film Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, according to ABC News. ‘We were told that, ‘Oh, it’s gonna be the bigot in the pickup truck; it’s gonna be the Klansman; it’s gonna be the rural sheriff. ’ But it turned out that through all of that, ultimately the biggest impediment was the modern-day liberal. ’” 11-16-19 | Townhall: “Stunning Documentary” Releases May 2020 on PBS Per Townhall, “Filmmaker Michael Pack conducted hundreds of hours of interviews with Thomas and his wife Virginia to create this stunning documentary, which will see a wide release in May 2020 on PBS. ” 11-13-19 | Cato: “Justice Thomas, Unscripted” Per Cato, “Drawing on a rich array of historical archive material, period and original music, personal photos, and evocative recreations, Justice Thomas, unscripted, takes the viewer through his complex and often painful life, dealing with race, faith, power, jurisprudence, and personal resilience. ” 10-23-19 | Double Standard for Black Conservatives vs. Black Liberals Per The Washington Examiner, “‘There’s different sets of rules for different people, ’ Justice Thomas said in the film’s trailer. ‘If you criticize a black person who’s more liberal, you’re a racist. Whereas you can do whatever to me, or to now [HUD Secretary] Ben Carson, and that’s fine, because you’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect black people to do. '”.
Interesting read and explains why our supreme court might be more an more like politicians in robes. He's the guy that voted to uphold Texas' anti-sodomy law in Lawrence vs Texas. A gay man was arrested in his own home for sex. The idea that conservatives protect constitutional freedoms is an absolute joke.
2:01 if Michael Jordan was fat. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free trial. Well its am ABSOLUTELY WORTH WATCH MOVIE. Get this on the TV! Everyone needs to see it. I too watched the confirmation hearing process of Justice Thomas. and I've got to say I'm grateful he stayed with it. He's been an excellent contributor to the Supreme Court. Funny no one remembers how the Dumbcrats used racial profiling to try and get him axed. They were baldfaced bigots everyone of them.
Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free youtube. They are still trying to make clarence look bad smh. I don't agree with all of ' beliefs but i still believe what they did to him 27 years ago was horrific. This is also another reason why im not a democrat or republican. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free printable. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free downloads. And he's proven to be such a seriously intellectual lightweight. It's been over 20 years, and Clarence Thomas hasn't written an opinion yet. He's there just to ditto the rest of the conservatives on this most terrible of courts, and use his stature as a justice to open doors his wife. How long will we put up with this moron taking up a perfectly good seat on the Supreme Court.
Wow a compelling movie makes you really think. EXACTLY 27 years ago today. Time flies. Justice Thomas kicked Biden square in the nuts. This was the best three minutes of dressing down ever. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free video. Its so weird hearing him say words. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free book. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free online. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free download. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words freedom.
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